Saturday, March 01, 2008

My REAL Blog is HERE. . . Please visit soon!

My REAL Blog is HERE. . . Please visit soon!

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Kimiko Zero is coming along but not as swimmingly (whatever that means) as I would hope. I erased five months worth of work at my job on Monday and I am still recovering. Some of the projects were done but not due yet. So now I have to start all over. I tried some file recovery programs but to no avail. They would recover the PSD files but when I tried to open them they were all corrupt. Most of the JPEG's recovered are corrupt too.

Kimiko is a book by Mike Griffith. He is a professor. He does not pay me but promises I get half of whatever comes of the situation. I know this is an unfunded entrepreneur situation, but I need the practice. If somebody wanted to pay me I would obviously go work for them and Mike knows that.

This is the cover for Kimiko Zero. We are going to pitch it around and hope somebody bites.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

I thought perhaps I should enter the foray of blogging. It does contain my name "Og." If you subtract my name from blogger you just have blger, which I suppose could be a shortened version of "Bulgaria" on some international index or another. I have a friend who lived in Bulgaria for two years.
So here I am. I once had a website awhile ago. It was neat. It was full of art and stories and lots of useless blithering such as this. Now I actually work in the art world. Well, sort of. I am a graphic artist for the Internal Revenue Service. A person might not assume the IRS needed a graphic artist but I assure you they need more of them. I am the only one on the west coast. If you think about it, everything is design somewhere by somebody like me. Your house, this website, your car, the box that holds your fast food, street signs, logos. We are very necessary to the branding of the world. Thats what I do. I brand stuff. Give it a logo, sometimes a catchy phrase. I brand programs and presentations for the IRS. I could just as easily brand businesses and the like. Its a good job and I am blessed to have it.

my plans are thus:

~Start a website for freelancing.
~Start a webstie for my comic books that I like to draw
~Start a website for an online philosophy blog with accompanying cartoons.

Thats what I am going to do. So many beginnings. If I would have only stayed with the internet so long ago when I was scattered across so many message board and websites...
But alas life awaited me. In the interim away from this global network I have gotten married, bought a house and have my first born son sleeping in the room upstairs.

I guess it is time for the cliche'....

"I'm back..." (Please elongate "back" for dramatic effect.)

Og out.